Once their was a guy called Odd job man he was living in the same village for years and he would fix stuff like the gate latch or something else and he .Once was fixing the neighbors house and then he was cutting the mowels house grass and something whispered to him saying you should go and see the whole world like i do. He said i might travel one day and come back by sunset then he woke up and got out of bed then he went to go and visited the. Big giant in a church yard he looked to big for the church yard cause his legs were pocking out and then odd job man said i dont want to be sad but the giant has wholes in his.
Socks and odd job man . Grabbed something out of his pocket and it was a lollie paper package and he wrote on it saying may i borrow your shoes please and i will return on sunset and the boots were magical even though the boots turned small and he put it on and off he went to Australia in giant’s magical boots the boots could walk on the sky so when he jumped on the sky and he jumped high and he was walking on the then he saw . Australia and he went down and then he saw lots of people and he paid him self a house and some close and a bed but . He went to the zoo and he saw a tiger,elephants and all kinds of animals and then he went to a river but their was crocodile their in Austrailia and he went to his house to sleep and the sun was shining and he went back to his house and gave the magic boots to the giant and everyone started to say how was did you have fun.
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